What Color is a Ripe Mango?

Learn what color a ripe mango should be and how to cut it with ease! Mangoes are a juicy, natural superfruit that can be enjoyed all year round.

What Color is a Ripe Mango?

When it comes to selecting a ripe mango, the skin color should be mostly orange or yellow with spots. A mango is ready to eat when the skin changes from green to yellow, orange, red, or purple. The best mangoes are slightly firm and have a sweet scent near the stem. If you find sap on the skin or bruises, it's best to avoid that mango. Once cut, the pulp of the mango should have a pale yellow to intense orange color.

To learn more about mangoes and how to enjoy them, check out the Mango Board's 10 Best Ways to Enjoy Mangoes. Mangoes are a juicy, natural superfruit that can be enjoyed all year round. Don't be intimidated by cutting a mango - it's actually quite simple! Start by cutting off both ends of the mango. Then, score the flesh in a criss-cross pattern without cutting through the skin. Finally, turn the mango inside out and cut off the cubes of flesh.

Matthew Baron
Matthew Baron

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