How to Store Raw Mangoes in the Freezer

Learn how to store raw mangoes in the freezer so you can enjoy their delicious taste all year round. Follow these simple steps to freeze raw mangoes.

How to Store Raw Mangoes in the Freezer

Do you want to enjoy the spicy taste of raw mangoes all year round? The best way to freeze raw mangoes is to cut them into slices after peeling them and let them rest in a tray covered with a cloth or parchment paper to absorb additional moisture. Make sure that the pieces overlap or touch each other. Transfer the mango pieces to a bowl with a flat surface and store them in the fridge for one hour, without putting a lid on them. After an hour, take it out and separate the pieces that are glued together.

Place them in a resealable bag or in a regular plastic cover and store it in an airtight container. Put this container in the refrigerator and your mangoes will be fresh for up to a year. Frozen mangoes and fresh mangoes have no variation in flavor. Unless the mango was burned in the freezer, the mango should freeze well.

Once the mango is softened, cut it off and if there are no signs of discoloration, the handle is still in good condition. With this method, you can always have a perfect supply of mango at home. Freezing raw mangoes is an easy process that requires minimal effort. All you need to do is peel and slice the mangoes, store them in an airtight container, and place them in the freezer.

This way, you can enjoy the delicious taste of raw mangoes all year round.

Matthew Baron
Matthew Baron

Selling Nuts, Dried Fruit, And Seeds Online.