How Much Raw Mango Should You Eat Per Day?

Learn about the benefits & risks of eating raw mangoes per day. Find out how much you should eat & how it affects your health.

How Much Raw Mango Should You Eat Per Day?

Moderation is key when it comes to mango consumption. It's best to limit your intake to about two cups (330 grams) per day. Mango is a delicious fruit that can be enjoyed in many ways, but it contains more sugar than other fruits, so it's important to enjoy it in moderation. Eating raw mangoes in moderate amounts can be beneficial for most adults.

However, eating too many raw mangoes can cause indigestion, abdominal pain, dysentery, and throat irritation. It's important to remember not to drink cold water immediately after eating raw mangoes, as this can aggravate irritation.


, a unique antioxidant found in raw mangoes, helps balance triglycerides, cholesterol and fatty acids. In addition, raw mangoes can help improve hair growth and produce sebum, which is known to moisturize the scalp and keep hair healthy.

Raw mangoes inhibit cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are known to metabolize certain drugs such as warfarin, propranolol, theophylline, etc. Raw mangoes are low in calories and sugar and help activate metabolism, keep you full and burn those extra fats. Therefore, it's important to consult your Ayurvedic doctor about the possible interaction of raw mangoes with other medications and follow the prescription carefully. Ayurveda highly recommends raw mango for treating digestive problems, promoting healthy vision and losing weight.

As vital minerals are depleted in sweat during the summer, raw mango is an ideal food to keep the body cool. Also known as Kachhi Kairi, raw mangoes are the greenest and firmer version of the juicy ripe alternative and are found to flood the market just before mango season. Several tests have shown that eating raw mango helps regulate blood disorders such as anemia, blood clots, and hemophilia. While there are studies that show the benefits of raw mangoes under various conditions, these are insufficient and more studies are needed to establish the true extent of the benefits of raw mangoes for human health.

The benefits of vitamin C, A and the essential nutrients in raw mango activate the immune system, improve vision, keep skin and hair healthy and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Adult men who consumed raw mangoes were found to have a lower body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and body weight compared to non-consumers. In fact, you might be surprised to learn that raw mango juice serves as a delicious thirst quencher in this hot season. In addition, raw mangoes can help increase the elasticity of blood vessels and help the process of hematopoiesis (formation of new blood cells).

Matthew Baron
Matthew Baron

Selling Nuts, Dried Fruit, And Seeds Online.