Freezing Raw Mangoes: A Guide for Enjoying the Tropical Fruit All Year Round

Learn how to freeze raw mangoes so you can enjoy this delicious tropical fruit all year round! Find out how to prepare and store frozen mangoes for up to six months.

Freezing Raw Mangoes: A Guide for Enjoying the Tropical Fruit All Year Round

When mango season comes around, it's time to stock up! From October to March, take advantage of the abundance of mangoes and freeze them so you can enjoy them for longer. To freeze, remove the cheeks and peel them. Wrap each cheek in plastic wrap and place it, in a single layer, on a baking sheet. If you're lucky enough to have a mango tree in your backyard, or if you're buying fresh mango in bulk at the farmer's market or grocery store, you'll need a way to preserve that tropical summer fruit so you can enjoy it all year round.

Freezing raw mangoes is an easy way to do just that!When freezing raw mangoes, it's important to remember that they will not taste as sweet as when they are fresh. However, they will still be full of flavor and can be used in a variety of recipes. For example, frozen mangoes can be blended into smoothies or used to make chutneys and sauces. They can also be added to salads or used as a topping for ice cream. When freezing raw mangoes, it's important to make sure they are completely dry before wrapping them in plastic wrap.

This will help prevent freezer burn and ensure that the mangoes stay fresh for longer. Additionally, it's important to label the mangoes with the date they were frozen so you know when they should be used by. Once frozen, raw mangoes can be stored in the freezer for up to six months. When you're ready to use them, simply thaw them overnight in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Once thawed, they should be used within two days. So don't let the end of mango season stop you from enjoying this delicious tropical fruit! With a little bit of preparation and some freezer space, you can enjoy raw mangoes all year round.

Matthew Baron
Matthew Baron

Selling Nuts, Dried Fruit, And Seeds Online.